It’s a seductive product. Cocoa butter literally abhors the stretch marks. That’s why they are eliminated where it finds them, smooths them and does not let them grow new.
Its strength is due to vitamin E. A vitamin that makes the skin shine! The skin becomes extremely attractive and charming. It offers the body the same aesthetic pleasure it offers and with its taste! Besides, cocoa butter is eaten and can be used as a raw material for sweets.
Cocoa butter is popular for anti-aging. If you combine it with a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, then, along with its care, you will be able to grow older and you can win a 15 year of youthfulness and freshness. It fights black circles and wrinkles in the eyes. Tightens the open pores and scars on the skin. Bleaching. It softens the skin and makes it elastic and fresh. It is an ideal cosmetic for dry and aged skin.
The healing regulating power that hides cocoa butter is due to the vitamin K it contains. Of course, we do not need to say that its fats are plant and not animal.
The most widespread secret of course is to deal with the stretch marks. As it is a difficult problem and cocoa butter seems to be the only one able to overcome them and cope with them.

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