Question Lavender
AnswerLavender (Lavandula Angustifolia – formerly known as Lanandula officinalis) is a perennial shrub of the Lamiaceae family. It is a plant that is endemic in the Western Mediterranean and mainly in the Pyrenees and in the mountains of northern Spain. There are 38 other different (basic) species of Lebanese, which are growing around the world. Lavender is well-known for its splendid aroma and healing properties.

Lavender (known in Greece as Lambri or Hamolivano) was known in ancient Egypt and was used in perfumery of the time. In ancient Greece, Theophrastus referred to the healing properties of her perfume. Diocourides in his famous De Materia Medica program report that Lavender consumption helps relieve indigestion, headaches and irritation of the throat. At the same time Dioskouridis considered it suitable (external use) for treating wounds and skin diseases. The Roman soldiers were taking Lebanese into the campaigns to treat injuries and put it in patient rooms to “clean” the air. Lebanon “was forgotten” at the beginning of the Middle Ages, but the Monasteries guarded the knowledge of its properties. The use of Lavender “revived” in the eighteenth century Kingdom of Hercules and has since become one of the most popular herbs in Europe. Today we find it in many gardens and have countless uses.

In modern herbal therapy, dried Levante flowers are mainly used to reduce anxiety and hypertension. Levante is generally thought to have sedative properties and therefore can be used in cases of melancholy and mild depression. Its extract is considered by many herbalists suitable for the treatment of nerve headaches and insomnia. A simple Lavender extract when used in a compress and placed on the forehead is thought to help relieve migraines, over-exertion, fatigue, and the effect of heavy drinking. It is also thought by some researchers to be hypotensive – a bed of lavender before sleep is said to “shed” the pressure and reduces fastness during the night.

Levante is claimed to have strong antimicrobial activity and is therefore ideal for the healing of small wounds, cuts and so on, while being suitable for the “cleansing” of the skin in cases of acne, eczema and dermatopathies. Traditionally, it is used against chest infections such as cough, asthma and bronchitis and in cases of colds or flu – in the form of inhalations.

Its antibacterial and antiseptic action is believed to give it anthelmintic properties – it can be used to fight intestinal pests. Lavender essential oil when used in massage relaxes the muscles and relieves the neuralgic and rheumatic pains.

Levant is generally considered one of the 20 most important herbal remedies.

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